Title: | Hampstead Lane House, Hampstead, London,UK |
Markets: | Residential |
Client: | Private |
Services: | Landscape architecture |
Region: | United Kingdom |
Status: | 2011 |
Design of external spaces and a garden for a 1960s Modernist private house.
Located in a conservation area in north London, the two-storey Hampstead Lane house is renovated 1960s modernist private house residence by architects Duggan Morris. Large internal and external sliding glazed screens allow the house to be opened up in the summer months and creates a link between the internal spaces and the landscaping. The landscape setting enhances the strong geometrics and proportions of the house, building on the attributes of this ‘Brutilist’ architectural style with its clean lines and open plan design. The project was awarded the RIBA Manser Medal 2011 for the best new house in the UK.
- 2011 RIBA Manser Medal Winner