Wylfa Newydd Power Station

Anglesey, Wales

Gillespies was commissioned by Horizon to provide DCO application support for landscape aspects of the Design and Access Statement and a Landscape and Habitat Management Plan.

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The scheme is divided into two distinct sites. The power station site is made up of areas of land and sea (146 hectares) within which most of the permanent power station, marine works and other on-site development would be situated. The other site is the Wylfa Newydd Development Area (WNDA). This 463-hectare site comprises the areas of land and sea, including the areas surrounding the power station site, that would be used for the construction and operation of the power station, the marine works, the site campus and other on-site development.

The development area contains areas of designated environmental sensitivity such as a Marine SAC, SPA, AONB, Heritage Coast and Ancient Woodland, SSSIs, Wildlife and RIGS sites. Taking the relevant landscape sensitivities into account Gillespies produced the landscape design aspects of the Design and Access Statement. This set out the process of design evolution for the operational development within the power station site and is a certified document under the DCO.

Gillespies also produced a Landscape and Habitat Management Strategy for the WNDA, which is also DCO certified document. This sets out how key landscape and habitat elements within the WNDA will be safeguarded or created and managed in order to help mitigate adverse effects. It also sets out illustrative landscape and habitat design and management proposals that will demonstrate how the landscape and habitats could be delivered in accordance with the principles.

The project was suspended in late 2018 prior to the DCO hearing. This was due to the withdrawal of Horizon from the process.