Title: | The Officers' House, Woolwich, Greenwich, UK |
Markets: | Mixed-use |
Client: | Berkeley Homes |
Services: | Landscape architecture |
Region: | United Kingdom |
Status: | 2019 |
Team: | Gillespies | AHMM |
Photography: | Rob Parrish |
The Officers’ House is the refurbishment of the
250-year-old barracks in Royal Arsenal Riverside in Woolwich. Designed by AHMM,
the project is the combination of Grade II-listed apartments and a contemporary
new build, opening onto a stunning landscaped central piazza and public realm
masterplanned by Gillespies.
Berkeley Homes appointed Gillespies to design the concept of Major Draper Square, a new heart for the Heritage Quarter that will provide access to and from the future Woolwich Crossrail station.
The public realm is an attractive, fully accessible and flexible space that provides a new gateway from the East to the Royal Arsenal development. Retail units at the base of Officer’s House will animate the square and provide a place to stop and dwell for residents, visitors and commuters.
Planting plays an important role in humanising the space, adding seasonal interest and biodiversity within the urban environment. Within the new square, an island of trees underplanted with a range of biodiverse planting provides structure, shade and new habitats for wildlife, combined with generous seating and places to linger.