William Street Quarter and Anne Mews

Barking, UK

Anne Mews Barking

William Street Quarter is the first privately funded affordable social housing scheme in the UK. The masterplan transforms the site previously occupied by the 1960s Lintons Estate in Barking into a significant new neighbourhood with considerable 'play‑able space'.

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Originally built in the 1960s, the condition of the Lintons Estate had deteriorated and it was subsequently demolished to make way for a new high-quality community. AHMM and Maccreanor Lavington Architects led the masterplan for the new neighbourhood, which included a new business centre, community facilities and residential units.

The site’s key location — close to Barking Town Centre — presented considerable opportunities for a high quality and functional public realm that interfaces with surrounding streetscapes and activities in the town centre, defines key pedestrian connections and includes a significant central public amenity space along with innovative shared surface/homezones and communal courtyards for residents.

Gillespies assisted in delivering a high-quality urban landscape that would maximise opportunities for community interaction and informal play. This has been achieved by the creation of generous outdoor amenity spaces — private gardens, communal courtyards, play-able routes and a tree planting strategy.


  • 2013 British Construction Industry: The Prime Minister’s Better Public Building: Shortlist
  • 2013 Sunday Times / British Homes: Affordable Housing Development Award
  • 2011 British Construction Industry Award: Regeneration