Telford and Wrekin Landscape and Visual Sensitivity Study

Shropshire, UK

Title:Telford and Wrekin Landscape and Visual Sensitivity Study, Shropshire, UK
Client:Telford and Wrekin Council
Services:Landscape planning
Region:United Kingdom
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Following on from our award-winning landscape and visual sensitivity study for Shropshire Council, our experience assisted Telford and Wrekin Council in undertaking a complimentary assessment to help inform the allocation of future development sites. All local authorities have to plan for new housing and employment land, a study such as this is a key piece of information to guide new development to the most appropriate locations and will become even more essential if the proposals of the Draft Planning White Paper 2020 come to fruition.

Telford and Wrekin is home to some notable landscape features including The Wrekin in the Shropshire Hills AONB and two Strategic Landscapes which have valued landscape characteristics and special qualities. Judgements of landscape value and susceptibility are taken into consideration in the assessment process, in order to ensure that future change is managed in a way that is sympathetic to landscape character and visual amenity, directing any new development to the least sensitive locations in landscape and visual terms.