Title: | Bevan Place, Swanley, UK |
Markets: | Residential |
Client: | Sevenoaks District Council |
Services: | Landscape architecture |
Region: | United Kingdom |
Status: | Ongoing |
Team: | Gillespies | Bell Philips Architects | Playle & Partners LLP | Centro Planning Consultancy | Qoda consulting | RGP | Lambert Smith Hampton |The Environmental Partnership | Cundall | Hann Tucker | GIA | BWC |
Photography: | Secchi Smith |
Bevan Place is an exemplar development for Sevenoaks District Council, transforming the former Swanley Working Men’s Club site and Bevan Place car park into a contemporary 93-home residential scheme. At the centre of the development, we have designed a new publicly accessible communal garden that will offer a vibrant green space that the entire community can enjoy.
The development by Bell Philips Architects will establish a strong identity at this key gateway location within the Swanley Town Centre, distinguished by its curved façade. A large publicly accessible communal garden will be located in the centre of the site designed to be a green oasis with a large lawn area, flowering trees and opportunities for rest and play. The courtyard will be accessible to the public during daytime hours, creating a new garden space for the residents of Swanley.
The streetscapes along Bevan Place and Goldsel Road have been enhanced through the planting of trees and the addition of a wide defensible green zone along Goldsel Road. An additional sun-soaked rooftop garden provides residents with smaller contemplative spaces and offers south-facing views to the Kent countryside.